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Mid-Willamette Valley
Monthly Marketing Update
- July 2016

Good Afternoon,

HAPPY SUMMER! June was busy - in a very positive way!!! Our team retreat was very exciting with river rafting, team building and loads of great ideas on how we can be an even better resource for our community. (Visit our Facebook page for great pictures) Each of us at Retirement Connection will work towards being healthier and we hope you join us in doing something positive for yourself. 

We have recently scheduled a Senior Resource Fair for October 10th at Center 50+. Save the date, as we know that calendars fill up quickly. We will start registrations for the event in just a few weeks; space is limited.

Our whole team is excited about our next big sponsor event on July 18th, Music in the Park. We really hope that every sponsor can join us for dinner and entertainment with friends and family down at the Sellwood River Waterfront Park. We know it may be a bit far for some, but each year this event grows and has become a fun summer tradition!
Amy Schmidt
Retirement Connection


Network Meetings - Salem/Albany/Corvallis


JUL 13
9 AM
Salem Senior Lifestyles Network
Johnson Funeral Home
134 Missouri Ave S, Salem



JUL 14
3 PM
Linn Benton Senior Resource Network (LBSRN)
First Call Home Health
2608 Cascadia Industrial St SE, Salem
Topic: Impact of Hearing Loss



JUL 20
9:30 AM
Senior Network
Willamette Valley Hospice
1015 3rd St NW Salem



JUL 27
9 AM
Senior Service Network Salem (SSN-Salem)
Salem Hospital
890 Oak Street SE, Salem, OR 97301- Bldg. D
Creekside Dining Overflow - First floor
Speaker: David Baer, Baer on Marketing
Sponsor: ComForcare


Marketing and Development


JUL 15
1 PM
Car Wash Fundraiser for Alzheimer’s
Salem Farmington Square
960 Boone Rd SE, Salem



JUL 18
6 PM
Retirement Connection - Summer Sponsor Picnic/ BBQ
Sellwood River Waterfront Park
205 SE Spokane St, Portland



JUL 20
5:30 PM
Walk 4 Alzheimer’s Team captain Kick Off
Alzheimer’s Network
1449 Liberty St SE, Salem



JUL 29
American Medical Response 23rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Langdon Farms Golf Course
24377 Airport Rd NE, Aurora


Nuggets of Knowledge

”I don’t county my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count.”
- Muhammad Ali

I am not always the best cheerleader for my co-workers, friends, family, or even myself.  I don’t count the win for being on time, or making a tight deadline or goal because I feel it is the expectation. I do count when others go above and beyond or when it is tough; and I hope I cheer loud enough and strong enough to make the other times worthwhile. I am honored to work with a team that shares the idea that “Good Enough Does Not Live Here”!

~ Amy Schmidt


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Job Postings

The following positions have been posted in the last month.
(Some position are outside the Mid- Willamette Valley area)


- Senior Living Sales Advisor
- Sales and Marketing Director
- Executive Director
- Lead Management
- Health Services Director
- Director of Nursing
- Health Services Director
- Marketing Director
- Regional Director
- Hospice Medical Director
- Community Relations Manager
- Marketing Coordinator
- Director of Fund Development
- Executive Director
- Health Services Director
- Client Care Manager
- Administrative Assistant


Apply or submit new positions online through Retirement Connection's Job Board.


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Guides are located at EVERY Senior Center, Hospital, Library and Meals-on-Wheels sites.


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 , 205 SE Spokane St #375, Portland, OR 97202, United States
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