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Retirement Connection Logo
Mid-Willamette Valley
Monthly Marketing Update
- April 2018

I use this newsletter to share upcoming events, deadlines, news and meeting information. Recently, we have had a few people tell us they did not know about upcoming case manager events or release party, or sponsor events. Upon investigation, I found that they received, but do not read/open this newsletter. This made me want to stress to everyone that - THIS NEWSLETTER IS THE BEST WAY TO FIND OUT WHAT IS HAPPENING.

I always include upcoming CEU events and sponsor information here first. It may be available in other places online, but this is the most consistent way I can communicate what is in the pipeline. If ever you feel we neglected to share an important event, our staff always wants to know, but I promise we are trying to keep you informed on upcoming information. The second best way to find out “breaking news” is our sponsor breakfast and other quarterly sponsor events that we coordinate with our advertisers. Sponsors- Don’t forget to join us Friday for the Sponsor Breakfast at center 50+ (details below)

Please help spread the word, that this newsletter is worth reading and has helpful information. Whew and sorry- (now I will step down from the soap box)!


Network Meetings - Salem/ Albany/ Corvallis


9 AM
Senior Service Network (SSN-Linn/Benton)
Samaritan Albany General Hospital
1046 6th Avenue SW Albany, 97321
Meeting Room: Reimer Conference Room, located right near parking lot
Topic: 2018 Senior Issues Legislation


APR 11
9 AM
Salem Senior Lifestyles Network
Restlawn Funeral Home & Memorial Gardens
201 S Oak Grove Rd, Salem, 97304


APR 25
9 AM
Senior Service Network (SSN-Salem)
Creekside Dining Overflow- first floor
890 Oak St SE, Salem, 97301
Topic: Teamwork


MAY 16
9:30 AM
Save the date for May!
NWSDS Senior Network
First Call Home Health
2608 Cascadia Industrial St SE, Salem, 97302


MAY 17
9 AM
Save the date!
Yamhill Networking Meeting


Marketing and Development


9 AM
Mid-Willamette Valley Retirement Connection Sponsor Breakfast
Center 50+ | Auditorium
2615 Portland Rd NE, Salem, 973015


APR 13
6 PM
Affair to Remember- A Night In Paris
Willamette Heritage Center
1313 Mill St SE, Salem, 97301


On The Move


Do you know someone that has recently changed positions? Send us an update to share in the monthly newsletter, helping everyone stay connected and informed about community changes.


Additional Resources

There are so many resources included in Retirement Connection, that often a few may slip past you and may not be noticed. Did you know that the guide also includes:

Attorneys & Elder Law and Hearing Resources


Nuggets of Knowledge

"Sometimes when you're in a dark place you think you've been buried, but you've actually been planted.” –Christine Caine

It can be hard to see the silver lining when it is very very cloudy. You don’t see the strength you can provide others because you don’t even know you have enough for yourself. But when we stop thinking, planning, and fighting, and just take a minute to “be present”, maybe a new normal can be found.

~ Amy Schmidt
Retirement Connection


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Job Postings

The following positions have been posted in the last month. (Some position are outside the Mid-Willamette Valley area)


Sign and Print Design
Alzehimer’s Respite Program Coordinator
Memory Care Health Services Director
Regional Marketing Manager
Senior Move Assistant


Apply or submit new positions online through Retirement Connection's Job Board.


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Don't hesitate to contact us at
or by phone at 503-505-5865!


Community News

Have a community or public event you'd like to share?


Submit your news


We'll post it for free to help you get the word out!

Events By Region

Looking for events in another region? Try one of the links below.


Mid-Willamette Valley Events
Puget Sound Events
Portland Events
Southern OR Events
Vancouver Events


Need More Guides?


Retirement Connection Guides


Order FREE Guides Online


Additional copies of the Guide are available at no cost and are the perfect resource for health fairs, workshops and your marketing packets.


Guides are located at EVERY Senior Center, Hospital, Library and Meals-on-Wheels sites.


You can order as many as you need to serve the families in your community.


Add a label to the cover to highlight your business and use the guide as a giveaway.


 , 205 SE Spokane St #375, Portland, OR 97202, United States
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