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Puget Sound Monthly Marketing Update - February 2018
There are several events occurring in the next few months, so make sure to check out the professional events listed on our website for registration dates and deadlines.
The next ANNUAL Retirement Connection Guide for Puget Sound is wrapping up and there are only a couple of weeks before printing. Please let me know of any corrections needed, additions you would like included, or changes to be noted. The next edition hits the streets in April and will not be updated for a full year. If you know of an office that is moving we
really want to know ASAP. We have sent emails to each housing and home care agency to update their grid information and we have received a huge response already. We have also begun calling those that have not yet replied to ensure the accuracy of information. Additionally, this is also a great time to refer others into the guide as a sponsor; I would greatly appreciate any referrals you feel I should connect with for inclusion in the guide.
Retirement Connection Guide lists EVERY housing, home care, hospice, senior center, meals on wheels site, and so much more. We are honored to be a valuable resource for Hospitals, Physicians, along with Area Agencies on Aging, and excited to see the increased use at each office as they become more and more familiar with our guide. Thank you for sharing the guide with the families you serve.
Save the date! HCPC After Hours and Tacoma Retirement Connection Guide “After Party” 3017 Ruston Wy, Tacoma, 984029
On The Move
Do you know someone that has recently changed positions? Send us an update to share in the monthly newsletter, helping everyone stay connected and informed about community changes.
Joan Rettmannis now Area Community Relations Advisor, ERA Living
Additional Resources
There are so many resources included in Retirement Connection, that often a few may slip past you and may not be noticed. Did you know that the guide also includes:
"If you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk together."
team or network is more than just the group you surround yourself with. It is those that you rely on and trust to carry the load and encourage you when you are too exhausted to even ask for help. The tribe or family of people you surround yourself with will help you go further than you ever imagined traveling on your own.