Portland/ Vancouver
Monthly Marketing Update- March 2022

I really hoped that 2022 was going to be a year of positive change for me, my family's health, business, and the world. The recent events in Europe weigh heavy on my heart and I am trying to strike the balance of support and concern, while still contributing to daily life. Please join me in writing your representatives, sending positive thoughts, and any support you can to those in need.

On the local work front-

1) Welcome Steve… For more than a year we have worked with several web companies as we built and increased traffic to, but now we are excited to finally welcome a full-time web developer to our team. Steve Beliveau has been supporting our development efforts as a contractor for the past few months, and he now officially joins our work family. He lives in Boston, but one good thing we've gained from Covid is a new comfort level with remote work and zoom calls.

2) Portland Early bird discounts have now ended...we are thrilled that so many existing sponsors took advantage of the 10% discount for reserving their ad space in advance. Invoicing and ad copy will not be done until the fall, so if you feel you missed out or did not see/open the prior emails from us- please email me TODAY.

3) Sponsors, save the date… we are hosting “A Taste of Derby” exclusively for our sponsors. Our sponsors should start looking for their derby hats now and plan to join us on the morning of May 7th for remote viewing of the Kentucky Derby and wine tasting at The Four Graces Winery.

Network Meetings

March 2, 8am
Metropolitan Senior Network (MSN)

March 8, 3pm
East County Marketing Exchange (ECME)

March15, 3pm
Westside Referral Network (WRN)

March 18, 9am
Senior Service Network-Clark County (SSN-Clark)

February 28, 3pm
SPIN Portland  

Marketing Update

April 5, 11am
Transitions of Care Monthly Meeting

May 7, 10am
Kentucky Derby Wine Tasting Event for Retirement Connection Sponsors
CareAvailability Site Update: We have just added new provider information for the state of California to This means an additional 16,750 providers are now listed in our database of resources. This includes more than: 8000 assisted living communities, 2800 home health agencies, 1800 home care agencies, 1200 skilled nursing facilities, and 2900 hospice agencies.

We re-launched the site last month, and in the last 30 days we have seen a massive jump in traffic:

  • 285% increase in searches for care and housing, 11,877 this month
  • 37% increase in providers reporting their availability
  • 48% increase in site visitors
  • 93% increase in page views, 58,334 this month
  • 155% increase in the profiles visited, 2,428 this month

We Also Noticed: 1 of 5 searches leads to a profile visit; and 1 of 10 profile visits leads to a family using the inquiry form to connect with a provider. It's working!

On the Move
Do you know someone that has recently changed positions? Send us an update to share in the monthly newsletter, helping everyone stay connected and informed about community   
changes. We include your name, company, and photo so others in the industry can connect
with you.
Steve Beliveau is now,
Web Developer
Care Availability

Nugget Of Knowledge
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." - Pastor Martin Niemöller

Some things are beyond my personal control, but at a minimum, I can protest, write letters, send donations, and offer prayers. I can ensure that the issues that affect the welfare of others are present in my mind and conversations, now and not just when I feel the pain.

Amy Schmidt
Retirement Connection



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