I honestly cannot believe we are 4 months into 2017 already. We are excited to introduce a new member of our team to you- Bailey Lalum. She recently relocated from Montana and joined our team last week. She is “in addition to” and “NOT in place of” an existing team member. She is
pictured below in the “On the Move” section of the newsletter for you to have a face to go with her names. Please introduce yourself when you see her at the upcoming networking meetings and events.
And to answer the next question- NO! we do not have plans to grow in any new areas in the next year. We hired a new person to make sure we are providing excellent customer service to our existing sponsors. As we have grown the past few years, we want to make sure that the sponsors who helped us get to this point receive the attention the deserve with event postings, marketing support, networking introductions, etc… Thank you to our sponsors who help us be the most comprehensive resource in the area.